As always Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at gingerreadslainey and is hosted by Sam at thoughtsontomes. All past topics and the rest of this months topics can be found on the Goodreads group page.
I dislike a lot of character, but this list was kind of difficult because I tend to not read the books that I know the characters suck in. However, sometimes, I just can't help myself...
Winter from the Lunar Chronicles was by far the most annoying character in the whole book. I'm not going to go to much into it because I got really ranty in my Winter book review, but damn, I was not a fan.
Frodo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings trilogy was a character had such an okay-hate relationship with. I understand why he was the way he was, but he did not have to be THAT difficult and he did not have to act like he thought he was such a martyr. UGH. My least favorite hobbit.
Bella Swan in the Twilight series...that's all I have to say. If you've read the series (even if you liked her) you will understand why some people find her very unlikable.

America Singer from the Selection series is another character that I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who disliked her in the series. She was kind of a pain and incredibly indecisive. Sometimes I wish I could just slap her and tell her to figure herself out.
Every character in Gone Girl made me so mad. I don't even have a good explanation why, they just did. They were all incredibly self absorbed, complained way to much, and thought they were the victim of the world. Like c'mon, we all know you aren't as innocent as you say you are.
So, what popular characters do you find unlikable?
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