**WARNING: Most of this is utter nonsense I wrote up late at night when I needed to vent about some of my more recent reads. It's probably poorly written and mostly ridiculous. Thank you**

The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Hazards #1) by Alyssa Rose Ivy
Synopsis: This isn't a deep book about first loves or self-discovery. If you want a book like that, I'd be happy to recommend one, but I don't have that kind of story to tell. Instead my story is about rash decisions and finding out that your dream guy is bad in bed. It's the story of when I finally went skinny dipping, and how my life was never the same again. Oh, and it's also the story of my freshman year of college and realizing Mr. Right might have been there all along.
My Opinion: Okay, first of all, to say I wanted to slap the nonsense out of her would be a bit of an understatement. She realized he was a total tool, practically off the bat, and yet she was with him for months! You know what they say, love blinds, but apparently it makes you a complete idiot too. I get it, she was trying to be nice. But....I couldn't get over how obvious it was that she was actually falling for another man. Also, the reasons she broke up with certain people made we want to yell at her for being such a pain and to actually think things through without reacting like a mad person. But the hickey thing...yeah, that was probably the only time in the entire book that I was completely on her side. Plus, she was pretty witty when she wanted to be. All in all. this wasn't a bad read, and a decent choice for something quick and light. (3/5)

April's Fool by Blanche Marriott
Synopsis: How can a wedding album start a tug-of-war between the bride and groom? When they aren't really married and an April Fools joke goes awry.In a moment of self-pity, April Vaillancourt, a graphic designer and all-around dreamer, creates a fake wedding album. She accidentally leaves it behind at a restaurant after a girls night out. Weeks later, when it turns up on the desk of the fake groom, he confronts her, and she's faced with telling the truth or living a lie.
Michael Goode is a high-powered investment advisor on the threshold of becoming CEO. His neat and orderly bachelor life is jarred when April's prank appears on his desk. Ready to take her to task for the brazen invasion of his privacy, he instead falls captive to her charms. Intrigued by her evasive tactics, he pursues her, but when he finds himself wanting to spend every minute with April, he begins to question his bachelor life. Could there be something better?
My Opinion: Okay, okay, I know no one reads these kind of books because they are incredibly realistic or anything, but I am practically dumbfounded as to where this story went. I mean, yeah, it ended exactly how we all expected it would, but damn, the book takes place over like two weeks...talk about a fast relationship with someone. Also, what was she thinking when she made that book and why did her friends think it was so damn funny?! And how could you forget something like that in a restaurant?!?!? Ugh, I just had so many problems with the details, in regards to the two of them coming together. Don't get me wrong, the book wasn't terrible and in some ways I can see why people would like it but...insta-love is not something I'm a fan of. Plus, the boy-chases-girl situation was dragged on a little too much. All in all, this just was not my cup of tea in any way, shape, or form. I will say, I did laugh and aw at some of the super gushy parts though...no lie. (2/5)
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