To be honest I don't even know where to start with this book. I discovered the world of the Lunar Chronicles towards the beginning of last year and immediately fell in love with Cinder's story. Now that I have finished the series, looking back on all of it I can't believe how far its come.
I loved just about everything about this book, however the characters were by far the best part. This series as a whole has incredible character development, the characters grew so much in the relatively short amount of time that the books take place. Plus, the friendship between the characters is portrayed so well with the sarcasm and the drama leading to one of my favorite fictional group of friends.Plus I just have to add that Cress and Thorne, whom are my favorite characters/couple, made me both awww and want to hit them across the face more than once. (You can see my opinions on the first three books here) The villains were also really great; I just loved to hate them and they added so much to the story...or at least to my feels considering how many times I wanted to throw this book against a wall. Some of the things that happened in this book I didn't see coming at all, even though I totally should have considering that they were retellings; I mean, don't eve get me started on all that happened in the last 70 or so pages. *tears* The emotional turmoil this book inflicts on the reader can definitely break a few hearts, but it is still so beautiful in so many ways.
The story in itself was crazy, for lack of a better word. The things that happened in this book were all over the place, but not in a nonsensical kind of way. I will admit, that there were a few parts in the middle of the book that seemed to drag on a little bit but in the end the overall story and excitement kind of makes you forget all about those parts. That, and, though I know this is probably a very unpopular opinion, I was not Winter's biggest fan; her as a character just didn't really do it for me. Also, though the end of the book makes a lot of sense, it still made me want more! But, it was so incredibly sweet and cute and I just can't get over it.
Overall, this book was so amazing and everything I knew it was going to be. I actually procrastinated reading this for almost a month after I got it because I couldn't deal with the fact the the story was over. The book was so fact-paced and action packed.Though I'm not the kind of person who is crazy about multiple POV's, this book was just so well done and they tied together so well I have few complaints in that aspect. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is into fantasy, and especially fairly tale retellings. (5/5)

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