Illuminae has got to be my favorite so far this year. Don't get me wrong, a few other books came really close, but this book was such an emotional roller coaster and incredibly crazy. I would even reread this book, and I'm not the kind of person who rereads books.
Best sequel you've read so far in 2016
When I got this book for Christmas, no lie, I was pretty giddy. The Winner's Crime was such an incredible sequel and the end of the book was such a cray cliffhanger I can't wait until I have the time to pick up The Winner's Kiss because I need to know what happened.

New release you haven't read yet, but want to
The Winner's Kiss has been sitting on my nightstand for over a month now. Part of me is dying to know what happened but the other part of me doesn't want the series to end...I mean, what if it doesn't end the way I want it to? The struggle everyone faces when finishing a series.
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year...To name a few. It's hard to narrow it down.

I didn't even have to think about this one. Soundless was no doubt my biggest disappointment this year so far. I thought it was going to be so freaking good considering it was themed around Chinese mythology. UGH. Why Richelle Mead? It was such a good idea but you lost me at the end...
Biggest surprise
Crane was one of those book I saw around booktube like once or twice and thought it was a neat idea, but it always stayed at the back of my mind and I never really thought about it. When this book was gifted to me by family I finally sat down to read it and I am so happy I did! The lore and the characters are so great, and Rourke had added some of the best and most natural sarcasm I've seen in a book in a while.

Any Weir has got to take the cake on this one. The Martian really got to me and it was so incredibly funny. A++ to Weir on his dialogue. it was on point.
Newest fictional crush
Mark Watney from The Martian is basically goals for all incoming male lead characters in books I have yet to pick up. Sarcasm, sense of humor...he's pretty damn real.

Ireland Crane from Crane is another lead character whose personality is pretty on point. She's sarcastic, funny, and incredibly relate-able. You hear that authors? Sarcasm sells.
Book that made you cry
The last story in Stars Above you know, the one with the *cough* wedding *cough*...yeah, that messed me up. I usually don't cry at sad things, but when something incredibly happy happens I kind of freak out. Tears of joy is a very real thing in my life.

I mentioned this in my review of it, but Beastly Bones made me so happy. My inner anthropology lover was giddy the whole time while my inner Holmes enthusiast was putting on its hat and getting ready to smoke a pipe.
Most beautiful book you've bought (or received) so far this year
Admittedly, I haven't bought many books this year, but c'mon, Six of Crows is gorgeous regardless. Black page edges, the seamless between the bird and the city, and best of all...Crooked Kingdom has a matching cover. Score for team cover matching lovers. I mean, that's a thing right?
What books do you need to read by the end of the year?(Excludes books I do not own or that haven't come out)

What about you guys, what would your answers be? I'm really curious what books y'all are excited for to come out.
- Until next time -
- Until next time -
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