Because tomorrow (June 20th) is the first day of summer I thought it would be fun to get into he summer mood by doing a tag! Personally, I didn't find any I was super crazy about, so I decided to mix and match and come up with some of my own questions. So...Voila! I give you my Summer Tan Book Tag. Hopefully y'all like it as much as I do. :) Let me know what you think down below, and if you decide to do it to let me know! I'd love to see your answers.

No doubt, I would have to say the Wings series not because it necessarily has anything to do with summer but because it has faeries and faeries always remind me of fun and
magic and summer nights.
magic and summer nights.
CASTIN' THE LINE: Name a book that had you hooked from the start.
I am a complete sucker for books that have to do with dreams and The Darkest Part of the Forest is basically that for me. There's a certain beauty to what is happening in this book and it had me hooked from the start with a mystery. I really enjoyed this book and I feel like I don't talk about it enough.
Let me start off by saying that I am not a big contemporary reader, I tend to read fantasy and because of that, very few book I read have any sort of 'spicy scene'. that being said, I picked The Silver Wolf up at a used book store and its probably the raunchiest thing I've ever read. And I've read some of the ASOIF book and those have their moments. Oh, and whaat are y'all's favorite ice cream, I'm a sucker for coffee.
OCEAN BREEZE: Name a book that you want to come out already.
OCEAN BREEZE: Name a book that you want to come out already.
There are a lot of books I want to come out ASAP, but Gemina is currently at the top of my list.
SUMMER FLING: Name a book that wasn't long enough.

SUNBRUN: Name a book with red on the cover.
Another book I love but don't talk about enough is The Martian. I just can't get over how much of a roller coaster ride this book was. Mark was so witty and a character you couldn't help but root for. But I don't know how I feel about the idea of a second movie...opinions?
BONFIRE: Name a book you will always love.
I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me when I say The Book Thief is such a beautiful and memorable book that will always have a place in my heart. This is one of those stories that leaves an impresion on everybody who reads it and I feel like everyone should read it.
Name a book that makes you want to explore. I know, I know, I've said this before and I'll probably say it again but, The Hobbit always has been and always will be my ultimate adventure book. I even take it on vacation with me, it's honestly such an amazing story. You go, Tolkien. You go.
BOARDWALK: Name a book with you're favorite BFF's.

TOES IN THE SAND: Name your favorite beach read.
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging is my ultimate teen angst read. Admittedly it has been a hot minute since Iv'e read this book but I will always remember how angsty and ridiculous this book is, which is exactly what I look for in a beach read; light, funny, and ridiculous.
I'd have to say The Perks of Being a Wallflower always has a way of brightening my day. Charlie and so strong and so sweet and the way he shows that even when you have it bad there is always hope, especially when you are surrounded by beautiful people.
DAYDREAMS: Name a book on your TBR for this summer.This shot up on my TBR list on the first day I got to FL. The Girl With All the Gifts was on my friends night stand and it was the first thing I noticed when I got there. I'e really been wanting to read this and now I just have to wait for her to finish it.

So what summer plans do you guys have? I'm currently really enjoying South Florida! Beaches, Sunshine, Palm Trees...It's own paradise. I would love to hear what your answers would be to some of these questions! Let me know what your favorite summer things are down in the comments.
PS. Apologies for the odd bold paragraphs no matter what I did they just refused to co-operate.
PS. Apologies for the odd bold paragraphs no matter what I did they just refused to co-operate.
- Until next time.
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