Wednesday, November 11, 2020

T5W: Non-Fiction November

This weeks topic was all about non-fiction that I really enjoyed and would recommend to others. I usually only read autobiographies about funny comedians and you will see below but there are actually a few here that I learned a lot from. Also, as always, let me know in the comments if you have any non-fiction recommendations, I have been trying to broaden my horizons and get more into the genre. 

1. Girl Logic: The Genius and the Absurdity

“Hard work and intention often go unnoticed. All people see is what you don't do or what they think you should be doing better.”

2. Yes, Please

“However, if you do start crying in an argument and someone asks why, you can always say, "I'm just crying because of how wrong you are.”

3. Scrappy Little Nobody

“Oh my god, I just made out with Legolas!' Again, I’m not going to name that actor, as I wish to respect his privacy”

4. The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus

“To mess around with Ebola is an easy way to die. Better to work with something safer, such as anthrax.”

“You can’t fight off Ebola the way you fight off a cold. Ebola does in ten days what it takes AIDS ten years to accomplish.”

5. When Asia was the World

I wasn't sure what quote to pull from this. This is a fascinating book that takes place from 700AD to 1500AD and talks about everything from the spice trade on the silk road to the apothecaries who exchanged medicine, discussing all sorts of travel from China to the Middle East, sharing knowledge, culture and so much else.

P.S. Happy Veterans day to all those who serve and have served. 

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