Wednesday, November 30, 2016

T5W: Villains Need Love Too

As always Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at gingerreadslainey and is hosted by Sam at thoughtsontomes. All past topics and the rest of this months topics can be found on the Goodreads group page.

I feel like it's been a hot second since I've posted anything...well...I suppose that's kind of true. (my November Wrap-Up is going to be where I talk about why I went MIA for like 2/3 weeks) Anyways, this weeks T5W is all about your favorite villains, and since we can all fill a list with just Harry Potter characters, I'm going to try my hardest to avoid them. Let's Go!

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The Aiden from the Illuminae Files 
Let's be real now, Aiden is basically the best non-"living" villain to ever bless us with his presence. Love. Love. Love.

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Dorothy from Dorothy Must Die 
Basically every pissed off drunk girl to ever wear a slutty Dorothy come to life in a fictional Dorothy villain. 

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Joffrey in A Game of Thrones
*SPOILERS* We all loves watching him die, let's be honest. He was like evil incarnate, a demon spawn living inside a vicious "prince". 

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Every Character in Vicious 
Every character in this book was just so real. I believe that this is what might actually happen if super power were a thing.

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Everything from Ghostly Echoes 
So many villains spring up in this third installment of the Jackaby series and I love how evil and crazy each and everyone one of them are, especially since it's such an intricate story line. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

T5W: Books I Want To Re-Read

As always Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at gingerreadslainey and is hosted by Sam at thoughtsontomes. All past topics and the rest of this months topics can be found on the Goodreads group page.

Okay, I know this is a day late, and I haven't posted in awhile, but I promise when this month is over I will make up for the lost time. Anyways, let's get into this weeks (belated) T5W!


Illuminae (Illuminae Files #1) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff 
I absolutely love this book! I really want to reread it, both because it's so good and because I'm pumping myself up to read book 2. 


The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 
This is just such a beautiful book but it's been years since I read it and there's a lot I don't remember. 


A Book of Spirits and Thieves (Spirits and Thieves #1) by Morgan Rhodes 
Another book I really enjoyed, plus I want a little reminder what happens before I read book 2. 


Fairest by Gail Carson Levine 
I haven't read this book in over 6 years! That is so long, especially considering this was my favorite book in middle school. I officially think it's time for a reread. 


The Two Towers (Lord of the Rings #2) by J.R.R. Tolkien 
This is one of my ALL TIME favorite books, (And don't even get me started on how much I love the movies) My inner fangirl and Tolkien lover has been craving some of his work lately, I guess it's time to break out the old paperbacks. 

Hey, so what are some books you'd like to reread? Let me know! 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Book Tastes Tag

Per usual I wasn't actually tagged to do this but I saw some other people doing it and thought it would be fun.

Hardback or Paperback?

Paperbacks; their cheaper, easier to read, and weigh less when your'e trying to carry multiple books with you at once because you may or may not have a problem...

Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?

If we are going with books I have to say Harry Potter, but on the movie front LOTR all the way. I mean...Orlando Bloom as an elf...yes, please.

Stephen King or R.L. Stine?

I've only ever seen Stephen King movies and only ever read R.L. Stine books. I have no real opinion on either. 

Sci-Fi or Fantasy? 

Sci-Fi, because my inner science nerd like to come out of hiding sometimes and frolic through the pages. 

Reading indoors or outdoors?

Outdoors, when it doesn't feel like hell's back door, but considering I live in South Florida I usually want to die after about 5 minutes and go inside where the A/C can swaddle me in it's cold embrace....

Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey?


Shopping online or local?

Local, because I always end up buying wayyyy to many books at one time online which, of course, makes my Pisa tower of books lean ever so more until it falls and crushed me under its ominous weight. I obviously need to work on my ability to tower my excessively large selection of unread books. 

The Great Gatsby or The Catcher in the Rye?

The Catcher in the Rye, though if I'm going to read a classic, I'm more of a Hamlet kind of girl. 

Fiction or Nonfiction?

Fiction. I'm too on-again-off-again with nonfiction. 

Bookmarks or Dog-earing?

Bookmarks, because it gives me a place to hide all the scrap paper and such from my desk because apparently throwing things away is just too difficult for me to wrap my head around. 

Dr. Seuss or Roald Dahl? 

I'm going to have to say Dr. Seuss because The Grinch is basically the best thing ever, and I've never read anything from Roald Dahl.

E-Book or Audiobook? 

E-book; I always end up either zoning out or falling asleep when I listen to audiobooks. Though, I will say that I really like it when people voice their own books, especially when its a memoir.

If any of y'all decide to do this book tag as well please put a link to it in the comments below, I would love to see your answers! Plus, it gives me more blogs to stalk *evil grin* Also, do any of you guys have a Pisa tower of books ready to crush you at any moment? Does Orlando Bloom make a great elf? I need to know I'm not the only one.
- Until next time

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Mermaid's Sister Book Review

The Mermaid's Sister by Carrie Anne Noble



There is no cure for being who you truly are…

In a cottage high atop Llanfair Mountain, sixteen-year-old Clara lives with her sister, Maren, and guardian, Auntie. By day, they gather herbs for Auntie’s healing potions; by night, Auntie spins tales of faraway lands and wicked fairies. Clara’s favorite story tells of three orphan infants—Clara, who was brought to Auntie by a stork; Maren, who arrived in a seashell; and their best friend, O’Neill, who was found beneath an apple tree.

One day, Clara discovers shimmering scales just beneath her sister’s skin: Maren is becoming a mermaid and must be taken to the sea or she will die. So Clara, O’Neill, and the mermaid-girl set out for the shore. But the trio encounters trouble around every bend. Ensnared by an evil troupe of traveling performers, Clara and O’Neill must find a way to save themselves and the ever-weakening Maren.

And always in the back of her mind, Clara wonders, if my sister is a mermaid, then what am I?

This is a tale of two sisters raised together on the side of a beautiful mountain, and a traveler boy whom has been raised on the road, all of them with their own orphan stories, brought together to be a family. Their story truly begins when they set off on a journey full of magic, danger, captivity and adventure, as they have to fight to save each other, one sister fading fast. 
“Sometimes the plainest of things conceal the most unimaginable wonders,”
I originally picked this up because it was on Kindle Unlimited and I thought, why not? For the most part I found this to be an enjoyable book, the magic and the children's stories were intriguing, but nothing about this book was overly surprising or great; the book was nothing more than enjoyable. I really like the magical realism and the elements of magic in 19th c. Pennsylvania. Also, the whole traveling carnival part was gripping in the fact that it added some mystery and made you actually develop feelings for the characters, and I'm not just talking about Clara and O'Neil. 
“There's no cure for being who you truly are.”
The main frustration I had with this story is that it had so much promise. but it was just poorly delivered. I am in no way saying it was bad, I'm just saying that there could have been so much more to this. Also, the ending....ugh! It was very expected, yes, but how it happened was so abrupt and oddly timed. I just really wish that the world and characters were more developed, making the story more touching, instead of a hasty story, honestly, I would not have minded if this was longer, 236 pages just wasn't enough for this to become and amazing read. Plus, when the story was over I was still left with questions. How did baby Maren get to Llanfair Mountain? Why was she taken there in the first place? That, and there was a love triangle...Now, I'm going to forgive the author this time, but oh my goodness, I can't take love triangles! *growls in frustration* 

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*sigh* Overall it was a sweet story; an enjoyable, light read for beach days and, in my case, downtime at work. Clara's sisterly devotion really made you want to cheer her on, though I wasn't Maren's biggest fan. Regardless, I would read another book by this author, and it was a good debut novel. (3.5/5) --- (I totally acknowledge that these last few sentences sounded like the end of a terrible essay your forced to write in like freshman English class...I don't know what to tell you)

Any one else read this book yet? If so what did you think? Also, have you read any wonderful mermaid books recently? Let me know! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November TBR

I know, I know, I keep saying that I won't make a TBR because I can't stick to it, but due to my hectic scheduling in the month of November, I think I may have a chance! So, here goes nothing...



I know this is kind of short in number, but two of these books are kind of long and I'm trying to make something I can stick to! Also, I know this is a really short post, but I figured if I put this up than y'all can hold my accountable...hopefully...maybe... *fingers-crossed*
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October Wrap-Up

October was a weird month...

So I came one book short of my goal for October (the TBR struggles) but that's okay just means I have to read one more book next the chaos of my birthday, Thanksgiving, and moving...again...yay... *feeling defeated already*...Nope, I got this!...right?

Books Read 


  1. All the Beautiful People (A Dread Novel #1?) by Jonathan Yanez (4/5) - Review 
  2. Because I'm a Maid!, Vol. 1-7 (Because I'm a Maid! #1-7) by Sayuri Sakai (3ish/5) 
  3. Glitch by Hugh Howey (3.5/5) - A short story 
  4. Angels & Demons (Robert Langdon #1) by Dan Brown (4/5)
  5. A Cure for Madness by Jodi McIsaac (3.5/5) - Review 
  6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter #5) by J.K. Rowling (5/5) 

Other Shenanigans
  • It's beginning to feel like every month I start a new sit-com esc show, this month I watched the first season of Man Seeking Woman and I absolutely died watching this show, I think the main reason it isn't as popular as it could be is purely because it's so frickin' WEIRD, but I still loved it. Also I started watching Hannibal, OMG I may be in love, I haven't loved a deranged killer this much since I watched Dexter awhile back. I'm currently on season 2 and can't believe there's only 3 seasons...I may cry. Also, as a side note, we aren't going to talk about that fact that I haven't watched any of the newest season of Supernatural yet, now that's the true tragedy of it all, I'm behind on SPN and my fam won't let me forget it. 
  • I participated in early voting...we aren't going to talk about that...#IVoted #CanIMoveToCanadaNow? #IWantToCry 
  • Fun fact, I am absolutely terrible at Halloween costumes, to say, I always end up waiting until the last moment and throwing something together from my closet. So, what was I this year, you might ask? A Trainwreck...that's right, I told you I was bad at this. I wore leggings, and over sized T-shirt that said "TRAINWRECK" (from the movie Trainwreck) and through my hair in an overly messy bun. #StoryOfMyLife  But, in my defense, I was going trick-or-treating with a 3 yo and a 1 yo so it's not like I actually had to look good or anything. #Lazy Also, I basically freaked out whenever I saw a puppy dressed up, I mean, they are so cute! *squeals* 
  • PS. Sorry not sorry for all the hashtags
  • it sad that that'sbasically all the highlights of my month?...OH! I got into running...or to say it better, my elliptical machine broke and now I'm forced to *gasps* go outside. Why do people enjoy running? I literally feel like death afterwards, I know part of it is because I have a bad shoulder, but seriously, running kind of sucks. Please, tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way *sigh* it's just so hard #Weak

As I have said before, music is life.

First of all I have had OneRepublic's new album on repeat since it came shame. They are basically perfection to me. So much love.

Especially this one.

Got to show love to some other artists.
(In case it wasn't obvious, I love myself some good vocals)

Got to get a little Disney in here.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Cure For Madness Book Review

A Cure For Madness by Jodi McIsaac 



Clare Campbell has worked hard to create distance between herself and her troubled family. But when she receives news of her parents’ murder, she’s forced to return to the quiet town of Clarkeston, Maine, to arrange their funeral and take legal guardianship of her unpredictable and mentally ill brother, Wes.

While Clare struggles to come to grips with the death of her parents, a terrifying pathogen outbreak overtakes the town. She is all too familiar with the resulting symptoms, which resemble those of her brother’s schizophrenia: hallucinations, paranoia, and bizarre, even violent, behavior. Before long, the government steps in—and one agent takes a special interest in Wes. Clare must make a horrifying decision: save her brother or save the world.


After discovering that her parents were murdered Clare goes back to her home town, Clarkeston, Maine, to plan their funeral and take legal guardianship of her mentally ill brother, Wes. Soon after arriving, however, a terrifying pathogen outbreak overtakes her town, leaving the infected with symptoms similar to her brother's schizophrenia. Then when an agent of the CDC takes a special interest in Wes, Clare has to face more horrifying decisions than whether or not to move back to Seattle. 

I will be the first to admit that this book was not what I expected when I read the synopsis. I was expecting a terrifying outbreak of crazy people running around the street trying to kill each other...but that's not exactly what happens, the book, instead, follows Clare and her brother as they try to hide from the CDC and decisions that could change weather or not the outbreak spreads across the whole world. 
What I like most about the story as a whole were the characters. What they thought, felt, and said seemed incredibly real to me, like something I would actually do in their situation, there wasn't really any awkward wordings or anything. Wes was great in that he seemed pretty normal until he wasn't, making the schizophrenia believable, though he came off as such a stoner sometimes. Clare was the confused yet clear minded sister who worked through what needed to be done and faced the hard truth of the reality of what was really happening. Overall, it wasn't difficult to connect or even feel empathy for some of what they did, the characters were, for lack of a better way to say it, realistic. Also, you really wanted to know what would happen to them next and how it would end. 
“You’re ordering pizza over the Internet?” “It’s not a new thing.” “Yeah, but now the government knows what kind of pizza you like.” 
There were, however, quite a few things I had problems with. For one, the scariness of the stories concept wasn't embraced enough for me, that is, this could of have been a book with scared and disillusion people running around the place practically flipping out, but instead the worst that really happened was some rioting. The story mainly followed the main characters while they were on the run and kind of skipped over  the big picture of the outbreak, in turn, loosing much of the suspense and horror factors. I'm not saying it had to be a horror story. but I was disappointed because I thought it would be. Overall, that was my main problem with could have been scarier. The author had potential to make this either longer or a duology wherein the outbreak spread further and they were really on the run from what was happening as well as the CDC; give it more of a Walking Dead vibe. 
All in all, it was a good story that made you want to know how it ends. Not a good choice for those looking for something horror or zombie-esc, though an interesting suspense. Plus, the cover is kind of amazing. 
"But there's something powerful about embracing the worst parts of yourself, the parts you hope no one ever finds out about. to admit that you are not all light and bravery, that you are both hero and villain in your life's story." 

Okay, I have to get my feeling about the end of this book out of my system. Like WHAT?! The ending was very 50 First Dates and I don't think I like it. Plus! I really wish that the author at least said how long it had been, I mean, her hair has regrown and the government is on trial, you know it has obviously been at least a few weeks, but still it could have been even longer than that! I just wanted more from the ending, it felt almost too calm. She wakes up, the government is on trial, Wes has obviously had the same conversation with her more than once, and the outbreak has been completely dealt with. WHAT THE WHAT?! I mean, you kind of see it coming...but still. No lie, I was pretty upset with the ending, but I'll get over it. 

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

T5W: Spooky Settings

This week's T5W topic is all about spooky settings, in honor, of course, of Halloween. I'm really excited for this topic because all things spooky have a special place in my heart, after all, A Haunting, as well as a smorgasbord of other ghostly shows, was usually what was on TV in my household growing up, also Supernatural is basically the best show ever created. Anyways, let's get into some of my favorite spooky setting!

Spooky Forests

There are so many books, movies, and tv shows that use forests for part of their creep factor, and we all know why, they are spooky as all hell when they want to be; from low fog to dark shadows and everything in between, spine tingling shivers are inevitable in such a place. There's also the big question; what else is in the forest? From giant spiders in the Dark/Forbidden Forest on the outskirts of Hogwarts to the mysterious killer fae praying on tourists in The Darkest Part of the Forest, I think it's safe to say that the concept of being hunted is never far off the mark in whatever situation you find yourself in.
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Haunted Houses

Haunted houses are a classic when it comes to the ghostly and the mysterious, besides, it's incredibly relatable; I mean, who hasn't felt a weird breeze or had a random cold shiver while being home alone and automatically thought about ghosts. Then there are hauntings, like that of Sunshine, where ghosts experience echoes causing them to relive their deaths, which is terrifying prospect in that you can't do anything but listen to them be killed. Of course, there are also those, like in Woman in Black, where the ghost is just bad-sh*t-crazy and wants to kill people because her child was taken away from her...yeah, those are the ones that creep me out the most, where there is nothing you can really do to stop it.

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Another cult classic in the horror genre; abandoned asylum settings are the ones that creep me out the most because all you can think about are the crazy off kilter people that lived and died there. Plus, stories like The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether where the crazy people basically take over and start running the place make me question everything. On that note, don't even get me started on the mind blowing craziness that is Shutter Island, now that was a movie (I never read the book, though I want to) that really messes with you, I don't think I will ever be able to go into an "institution" of the likes ever, regardless of the reason. Plus, if you want your socks knocked off, watch Grave Encounters, now that is an asylum movie that will make you question everything in life, and you have to watch both of them in a row to get the real affect...let me just tell you, I will never watch those movies again, I practically died the first time I watched them.

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I feel like post apocalypse is something that a lot of spooky stories play off of these days; from zombie outbreaks to natural disasters and everything in between, it's a common setting. Of course there are the popular franchises; The Walking Dead, Resident Evil, The Hunger Games, etc. that we all know and love, than there are some smaller side ones that I feel like don't get enough love; All the Beautiful People and The Girl with All the Gifts, to name a few. Now, you may be thinking, post-apocalypse doesn't necessarily have to include zombies, I know, I just prefer it over natural disaster based ones, e.g. Life As We Knew It, in my opinion they're just the better of the two. Also, when it comes to zombies, I like ones that have a twist to it, like a beauty complex or child zombiehood, I'm not really a classic Dawn of the Dead kind of person, besides, the whole concept of zombies being able to run is too ridiculous for me.  

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Serial Killers

Okay, I know I said these were in no particular order, but this one is probably my favorite; I am a fan of serial killers to say the least. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I approve of the whole murdering thing, it's just, if I'm going to follow something along those lines than I would prefer them to be serial killers. There is of course the classic Hannibal Lecter, whose name you may have heard from Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon, whom is one of my favorites. (I also just finished watching season 1 of Hannibal and I want to cry, it's just so good). There's also Dexter, who is another love of mine, I will say though, that even though I have read Darkly Dreaming Dexter, the show is so much better in my eyes. But it's not just the serial killer thing that I want, I want the story, whether it be rage, psychopathic tendencies, sociopaths, or even the simple "urge", regardless, I need something more than mindless killing. To name one, the SAW movies are definitely on my list of favorites; there is a story, gore, depth, and just so much to it, I feel like it can be such an underrated series. I think one of the main reasons that serial killers are my favorite is because they are the most realistic, if something is too ridiculous to me than I just don't find it frightening at all. I need something that could actually happen and with serial killers, that is usually delivered. 

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So what are your favorite spooky settings? Also, what spooky thing can you imagine in the forest? Let me know! 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall Activities Book Tag

Fall Activities Book Tag (originally created by Dreaming Through Literature)
Today I decided to participate in another book tag, mostly because it's been awhile, but also because I just really enjoy doing these. So lets get into it!

A book on your TBR that looks so delicious that you can't wait to take a bit out of it. 


Something about the little comments on the cover and everything just make me love the look of this book, plus the story sounds like it's going to be a fun read, I can't wait to devour this one.
A book that's so much fun to get lost in.


As I have said before and I will probably say again, this series as a whole is just so much fun! Sherlock Holmes and the supernatural; I can't get enough of this.
A book that scared you silly.


So I haven't actually finished this yet, but it has been giving me a lot of chills so far. The fact that it takes the whole zombie genre but twists it with different mental illnesses really makes it seem incredibly realistic and slightly terrifying. 
The latest book you picked up (purchased).


I have been wanting this book for so long and now that there's another one I got to jump on this ASAP. Besides the whole motorcycle and wolf thing on the cover is kind of awesome.
A book that is lyrically beautiful.


This book is such a beautifully tragic story as a whole, just the fact that it takes place from the deaths perspective is lyrically something else.
A book you didn't like and wouldn't mind carving up. 


I was so disappointed with this book. Bianca pretty much made all her circumstances worse for herself and she needed someone to knock some sense into her. 
A book that was a highly enjoyable romp.


Whenever I hear the word 'romp' I immediately think of the ridiculousness that is this book; always a favorite. 
A sweet book to curl up under the covers with.


All fairy-tale retelling are prime under the covers books but this one especially for me; it's sweet, easy to read, and a great story in general. I will admit it's been some years since I've read this but I used to absolutely love it, so I should probably reread this actually...
A book that reminds you of your childhood. 


I'm sure most people will put Harry Potter for this but I mean, it's like the ultimate series. The first two specifically remind me of my childhood though. No shame, I was an HP character for Halloween once...or twice, but I feel like everyone has at some point.
Your favorite spooky read. 


I will never talk about this book or series enough, LOVE IT! It's creepy, mysterious and actually kind of witty too. Such a great Halloween read for anyone looking for suggestions *wink-wink*
A book with an eclectic cast of characters.


All the characters in this book are crazy in their own way...enough said.

Let me know what your answer would be! Also, have you ever dressed up as a Harry Potter character for Halloween? Let's discuss. :)