October Wrap-Up
Saturday, October 31, 2020
October Wrap-Up
Friday, October 30, 2020
End of the Year To Be Read
Because I have no idea what the holidays are gonna look like for me this year both in regards to work and my personal life I figured I would just compile my TBR for the rest of the year, the final quarter, the beginning of the fiscal year, the holiday season....whatever you want to call it. So I present to you my TBR, I tried not to be too ambitious.
1. The Way of the Kings (The Stormlight Archive #1) by Brandon Sanderson
2. Harrow the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #2) by Tamsyn Muir
3. The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
4. The City of Brass (The Daevabad Trilogy #1) by S.A. Chakraborty
5. Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicles #1) by Jay Kristoff
6. Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone (Harry Potter #1) by J.K. Rowling
7. Ready Player Two (Ready Player One #2) by Ernist Cline
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
T5W: Spoopy Times
I usually say I am not one for spooky reads of any kind, no horror or anything like that but while going through all the books I have read I realized that I have been really into more than I realized. It was really hard for me to condense my favorite into only 5 books so I decided to choose my top 5 spooky reads that I feel like are severely underrated.
1. The Dark Days Club
2. The Man in the Picture
3. Crane
4. The Girl with all the Gifts
5. All the Beautiful People
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
T5W: Books that Took the Longest to Finish
Sometimes books take forever because of the length, sometimes it is because you hit a reading slump and in many occasions, at least for me, it is because I am forcing myself to stick out a book that I am just not that into. I really, REALLY do not like writing negative reviews about books, I know that everyone has their own drastically different tastes and that authors put a lot of work into what they put out there but no book can ever cater to the tastes of every person that reads it. Because of this, some books, many of which are parts of series I actually enjoyed, are just a chore to get through for me. So here, I present to you some of said books. I tried to list books that I don't often or have ever talked about here.
1. A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire #2)
This book felt like it went on forever. I really enjoyed book three so I am happy that a forced myself to finish the second one in the series but it was so hard to get through since some of the perspectives annoyed the crap out of me to read, though that is mostly because I didn't enjoy reading from the pov of characters that I really didn't like.
2. The Ghosts of Heaven
3. Life As We Knew It
Life as we knew it....I just....maybe I don't get it? From what I have seen this book (and the whole series?) is actually pretty popular but man, I felt like their search for normalcy dragged on into the mundane and after the initial few chapters it just got too tedious to enjoy. I read this book years and years ago but I remember it taking me well over a month to read because it took so much for me to finish it.
4. The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #2)
5. Way of Shadows
Okay, lets be a bit more positive when it comes to long books. This book took me over a month to read, and its not even that long. I tried reading about two years ago and couldn't get passed like the first thirty pages. This year I restarted it and actually finished it but it was like trying to walk through a tar pit, a tar pit that I enjoyed but tar nonetheless. I have no idea what it was about this book but no matter how much I enjoyed parts of this story it was just really rough to finish and for that reason alone I do not intend on ever finishing the series.
If you have participated in T5W for this topic or have strong opinions about any of these book please leave them down below!
*Goodreads synopsis
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
T5W: Fairly Local
I don't live in a big city like NY or Paris, and a lot of what I read is fantasy that takes place in make believe land so I tried to pull some choices that drew from different genres and places across the US. Enjoy.
1. Geekerella
Taking place in Charleston, SC, Elle lives with her Stepmother and Stepsisters. Geekerella is definitely not the most unique or anything but it was such an adorable read and I loved all the nods to so many fandoms intertwined into the one the story revolves around.
2. My Calamity Jane
This book will draw you into 1876 America with gunslingers and the wild wild west, oh, and garou. This is a an old timey, old fashioned werewolf hunt with a real life hero-eene as the lead character. Such a fun read.
3. Ready Player One
Taking place in a few places within 2044 America and the VR world the OASIS. This is another fun read full of fandoms and action, I definitely recommend this book to anyone who has nerdy adventurous side.
4. Dread Nation
5. Where the Crawdads Sing
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Don't lie, there is a movie or show adaption of a book that you have watched but not read. We all want to denial this blasphemes act buttttt I am as guilty as anybody to having had done this. In fact, for one of my all time favorite book trilogies, LOTR, I watched the movies countless times before I finally picked up the books. But for the sake of staying on topic, lets talk about all those adaptions I have seen but have yet to even pick up the book.
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
September 2020 Wrap-Up and October TBR
It has been a really weird year, for everyone. I know I haven't really posted at all in the last few years but I have missed this platform and I want to slowly dip my toes back into the water. With that being said, I present to you my September wrap-up.
Books Read