Wednesday, October 21, 2020

T5W: Books that Took the Longest to Finish

 Sometimes books take forever because of the length, sometimes it is because you hit a reading slump and in many occasions, at least for me, it is because I am forcing myself to stick out a book that I am just not that into. I really, REALLY do not like writing negative reviews about books, I know that everyone has their own drastically different tastes and that authors put a lot of work into what they put out there but no book can ever cater to the tastes of every person that reads it. Because of this, some books, many of which are parts of series I actually enjoyed, are just a chore to get through for me. So here, I present to you some of said books. I tried to list books that I don't often or have ever talked about here.

1. A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire #2)

This book felt like it went on forever. I really enjoyed book three so I am happy that a forced myself to finish the second one in the series but it was so hard to get through since some of the perspectives annoyed the crap out of me to read, though that is mostly because I didn't enjoy reading from the pov of characters that I really didn't like. 

2. The Ghosts of Heaven

"Four linked stories boldly chronicle madness, obsession and creation though the ages."* Sounds like it would be a pretty awesome set of stories right?  Unfortunately they bored the living daylights out of me. I continued to read it because every story I came across, if I didn't like it, I figured I could power through and the next one would be better. Sadly, that didn't happen, but I spent MANY a nights trudging through it.

3. Life As We Knew It

Life as we knew it....I just....maybe I don't get it? From what I have seen this book (and the whole series?) is actually pretty popular but man, I felt like their search for normalcy dragged on into the mundane and after the initial few chapters it just got too tedious to enjoy. I read this book years and years ago but I remember it taking me well over a month to read because it took so much for me to finish it. 

4. The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #2)

For an author I enjoy and a story line that brought me a lot of joy, book two in the Percy series was a fine example of "the boring second book". I mean, is it just me or the second book in a lot of series the worst one? I know its usually because the book is meant to be a filler book to add detail to the story and the world but man....killin' me. 

5. Way of Shadows

Okay, lets be a bit more positive when it comes to long books. This book took me over a month to read, and its not even that long. I tried reading about two years ago and couldn't get passed like the first thirty pages. This year I restarted it and actually finished it but it was like trying to walk through a tar pit, a tar pit that I enjoyed but tar nonetheless. I have no idea what it was about this book but no matter how much I enjoyed parts of this story it was just really rough to finish and for that reason alone I do not intend on ever finishing the series. 

If you have participated in T5W for this topic or have strong opinions about any of these book please leave them down below!

*Goodreads synopsis


  1. I agree on ASOIAF! I read the first book a couple of years ago and found it extremely complicated and slow at times, that's why I didn't continue with the series. I'm watching the show now instead xD

  2. i reread sea of monsters earlier this year, and before i started i could hardly remember anything specific that really happened in it, but while i was reading it, i was like 'theres a lot of good character moments, that really add to the layers and development of the friendships later on' so yeah very much a filler
